När klimatkrisen kommit – källor
Källor till broschyren När klimatkrisen kommit.
- IPCC, 2023. Sections. In: Climate Change 2023: Synthesis Report. Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Core Writing Team, H. Lee & J. Romero (red.)]. IPCC, Genève, Schweiz.
- Fairtrans, 2024. Rättvis klimatomställning – Resultat från Fairtrans enkät om svenskarnas inställning till klimat- och energiomställningen.
- WWF, 2024. Klimatbarometern 2024.
- Johnson, A.E., 2024. What If We Get It Right? Random House Inc.
- WMO, 2023. Provisional State of the Global Climate 2023. World Meteorological Organization.
- SMHI, 2023. Klimatindikator – temperatur. Tillgänglig online: https://www.smhi.se/klimat/framtidens-klimat/framtidens-klimat [Hämtad 2024-10-27]
- SMHI, 2023. Stigande havsnivåer. Tillgänglig online: https://www.smhi.se/klimat/stigande-havsnivaer/stigande-havsnivaer [Hämtad 2024-10-27]
- Svensk Försäkring, 2023. Ovädret Hans beräknas kosta omkring en miljard kronor. Tillgänglig online: https://www.svenskforsakring.se/aktuellt/nyheter/2023/ovadret-hans-beraknas-kosta-omkring-en-miljard-kronor/ [Hämtad 2024-10-27]
- SVT Nyheter, 2018. Sommarens skogsbränder kostade mångmiljonbelopp. SVT Nyheter. Tillgänglig online: https://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/varmland/sommarens-skogsbrander-kostade-mangmiljonbelopp [Hämtad 2024-10-27]
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- IPCC, 2019. Climate Change and Land: an IPCC special report on climate change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems [P.R. Shukla, J. Skea, E. Calvo Buendia, V. Masson-Delmotte, H.-O. Pörtner, D. C. Roberts, P. Zhai, R. Slade, S. Connors, R. van Diemen, M. Ferrat, E. Haughey, S. Luz, S. Neogi, M. Pathak, J. Petzold, J. Portugal Pereira, P. Vyas, E. Huntley, K. Kissick, M. Belkacemi, J. Malley, (red.)].
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- FN, 2024. Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division. World Population Prospects 2024: Summary of Results. UN DESA/POP/2024/TR/NO. 9
- Van Dijk, M. m.fl., 2021. A meta-analysis of projected global food demand and population at risk of hunger for the period 2010–2050. Nature Food, 2(7): s. 494-501.
- Jordbruksverket, 2024. Jordbruksverkets statistikdatabas. Tillgänglig online: https://jordbruksverket.se/om-jordbruksverket/jordbruksverkets-officiella-statistik/statistikdatabasen [Hämtad 2024-10-31]
- SMHI, 2023. Vattenbrist. Tillgänglig online: https://www.smhi.se/kunskapsbanken/hydrologi/torka/vattenbrist-1.177045 [Hämtad 2024-11-01]
- SGU, 2018. 2018. Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning. Tillgänglig online: https://www.sgu.se/om-sgu/nyheter/2018/ [Hämtad 2024-11-01]
- Sveriges Radio, 2023. 175 miljoner liter avloppsvatten släpptes ut – stormen Hans drabbade reningsverk. Tillgänglig online: https://sverigesradio.se/artikel/stormen-hans-drabbade-reningsverk-175-miljoner-liter-avloppsvatten-slapptes-ut [Hämtad 2024-10-31]
- WHO, 2023. Climate change. World Health Organization. Tillgänglig online: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/climate-change-and-health [Hämtad 2024-10-31]
- Mora, C. m.fl., 2022. Over half of known human pathogenic diseases can be aggravated by climate change. Nature Climate Change, 12(9): s. 869-875.
- Otto, F. m.fl., 2024. 10 years of rapidly disentangling drivers of extreme weather disasters. Centre for Environmental Policy, Imperial College: London, Storbritannien.
- Folkhälsomyndigheten, 2024. Hälsokonsekvenser av klimatförändring i Sverige. En risk- och sårbarhetsanalys.
- Åström, C., Bjelkmar, P. & Forsberg, B., 2019. Ovanligt många dödsfall i Sverige sommaren 2018. Läkartidningen, 21/2019.
- Carlson, C.J. et al., 2022. Climate change increases cross-species viral transmission risk. Nature, 607(7919): s. 555-562.
- Institute for Economics & Peace, 2020. Over one billion people at threat of being displaced by 2050 due to environmental change, conflict and civil unrest.
- UNHCR, 2017. Global Trends. Forced displacement in 2015.
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- UNHCR, 2024. Global Trends. Forced displacement in 2023.
- Naturskyddsföreningen, 2021. Ändrat klimat driver människor på flykt. Tillgänglig online: https://www.naturskyddsforeningen.se/artiklar/andrat-klimat-driver-manniskor-pa-flykt/ [Hämtad 2024-11-01]
- Department of Defense, 2014. Climate Change Adaptation Roadmap. Department of Defense, United States of America.
- Kemp, L. m.fl., 2022. Climate Endgame: Exploring catastrophic climate change scenarios. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(34): s. e2108146119.
- Ripple, W.J. m.fl., 2024. The 2024 state of the climate report: Perilous times on planet Earth. BioScience: s. biae087.
- Kotz, M., Levermann, A. & Wenz, L., 2024. The economic commitment of climate change. Nature, 628(8008): s. 551-557.
- Paris Agreement to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Dec. 12, 2015, T.I.A.S. No. 16-1104.
- UNEP, 2024. Emissions Gap Report 2024. No more hot air … please! With a massive gap between rhetoric and reality, countries draft new climate commitments. UN Environment Programme.
- Klimatpolitiska rådet, 2024. Klimatpolitiska rådets rapport 2024.
- Naturvårdsverket, 2024. Sveriges utsläpp och upptag av växthusgaser. Tillgänglig online: https://www.naturvardsverket.se/data-och-statistik/klimat/sveriges-utslapp-och-upptag-av-vaxthusgaser/ [Hämtad 2024-11-02]
- Naturvårdsverket, 2024. Sveriges klimatmål och klimatpolitiska ramverk. Tillgänglig online: https://www.naturvardsverket.se/amnesomraden/klimatomstallningen/sveriges-klimatarbete/sveriges-klimatmal-och-klimatpolitiska-ramverk/ [Hämtad 2024-11-02]
- Copernicus, 2024. Copernicus: 2023 is the hottest year on record, with global temperatures close to the 1.5°C limit. Tillgänglig online: https://climate.copernicus.eu/copernicus-2023-hottest-year-record [Hämtad 2024-11-03]
- WMO, 2024. Greenhouse gas concentrations surge again to new record in 2023. World Meteorological Organization.Tillgänglig online: https://wmo.int/news/media-centre/greenhouse-gas-concentrations-surge-again-new-record-2023 [Hämtad 2024-11-03]
- Our World in Data, 2023. Cumulative CO₂ emissions. Tillgänglig online: https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/cumulative-co-emissions [Hämtad 2024-11-03]
- NOAA, 2024. Global Climate Report 2023. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Tillgänglig online: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/monitoring/monthly-report/global/202313 [Hämtad 2024-11-03]
- AMAP, 2021. Arctic Climate Change Update 2021: Key Trends and impacts. Summary for policy-makers.Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme. Tromsø, Norway.
- WWF, 2024. Living Planet Report 2024. A system in Peril. WWF: Gland, Schweiz.
- IPBES, 2019. Global assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. E.S. Brondizio, S.D. J. Settele, & H.T. Ngo [red.]. IPBES secretariat, Bonn, Tyskland.
- Bar-On, Y.M., Phillips, R. & Milo, R., 2018. The biomass distribution on Earth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(25): s. 6506-6511.
- Sánchez-Bayo, F. & Wyckhuys, K.A., 2019. Worldwide decline of the entomofauna: A review of its drivers. Biological conservation, 232: s. 8-27.
- Naturvårdsverket, 2024. En värdefull ekosystemtjänst. Tillgänglig online: https://www.naturvardsverket.se/amnesomraden/pollinering/vilda-pollinatorer-och-pollinering/darfor-behovs-pollinering/ [Hämtad 2024-11-01]
- Ceballos, G. m.fl., 2015. Accelerated modern human–induced species losses: Entering the sixth mass extinction. Science advances, 1(5): s. e1400253.
- Vogel, M.M. m.fl., 2019. Concurrent 2018 hot extremes across Northern Hemisphere due to human‐induced climate change. Earth’s future, 7(7): s. 692-703.
- Armstrong McKay, D.I. m.fl., 2022. Exceeding 1.5 C global warming could trigger multiple climate tipping points. Science, 377(6611): s. eabn7950.
- Richardson, K. m.fl., 2023. Earth beyond six of nine planetary boundaries. Science advances, 9(37): s. eadh2458.
- Oreskes, N. & Conway, E.M., 2011. Merchants of doubt: How a handful of scientists obscured the truth on issues from tobacco smoke to global warming. Bloomsbury Publishing USA.
- Supran, G., Rahmstorf, S. & Oreskes, N., 2023. Assessing ExxonMobil’s global warming projections. Science, 379(6628): s. eabk0063.
- Allgaier, J., 2019. Science and environmental communication on YouTube: Strategically distorted communications in online videos on climate change and climate engineering. Frontiers in communication, 4: s. 36.
- CCDH, 2024. The New Climate Denial. How social media platforms and content producers profit by spreading new forms of climate denial. Center for Countering Digital Hate.
- Andersson, K., Hylander, F. & Nylén, K., 2019. Klimatpsykologi: hur vi skapar hållbar förändring. Natur & Kultur, Stockholm.
- Våra barns klimat, 2021. Prata med barn om klimatet. Stöd till föräldrar och andra vuxna.
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